What is Platelet-Rich Fibrin?

Platelet-rich fibrin is an exciting and innovative treatment that harnesses the concentrated form of the body's blood platelets to promote healing and tissue rejuvenation, particularly in aesthetic contexts. It is commonly used to enhance skin quality, target fine lines and wrinkles, and stimulate hair growth. Additionally, PRF has shown great potential in improving the outcomes of procedures like facelifts, dermal fillers, and laser treatments while supporting tissue repair and revitalization following cosmetic surgeries. Its ability to tap into the body's natural healing processes in a precise and minimally invasive manner makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to enhance their appearance and overall well-being.

Furthermore, PRF has displayed promise in promoting hair regrowth. When applied to the scalp, PRF can help stimulate the growth of thicker, healthier hair by revitalizing hair follicles and improving scalp health.

This application has generated significant interest as a potential non-surgical solution for individuals with hair thinning or loss. By leveraging the body's natural healing capabilities, PRF offers an intriguing approach to addressing aesthetic concerns related to hair regrowth.

Benefits of PRF

PRF is a truly versatile treatment, offering the following benefits: 

  • Supports tissue regeneration and repair
  • Alleviates inflammation and pain
  • Enhances skin texture and tone by promoting collagen production
  • Accelerates post-surgical healing
  • Minimizes the risk of infection and complications
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Am I a Good Candidate for Platelet-Rich Fibrin?

It’s normal to wonder if any procedure is correct for you. Typically, we’ve found the best candidates for this procedure include: 

  • Individuals in search of natural and non-invasive treatment options
  • Those looking to accelerate healing after surgery or injury
  • People with musculoskeletal conditions such as tendonitis or osteoarthritis
  • Patients interested in improving skin quality and reducing signs of aging
  • Anyone seeking a safe and effective approach to aid their overall wellness

The Treatment Process 

Platelet-rich fibrin strengthens the body's natural healing mechanisms to speed up tissue repair and regeneration. During a PRF treatment session, a small blood sample is drawn and processed through centrifugation to separate the platelets and growth factors from the other blood components. The resulting PRF concentrate is then carefully injected into the targeted area, releasing bioactive proteins and growth factors that stimulate cell growth, collagen production, and tissue regeneration. This natural and minimally invasive process promotes healing and enhances the body's ability to repair and revitalize damaged tissues. A typical PRF treatment session is relatively quick and can often be performed in an outpatient setting, making it a convenient option for individuals seeking effective and natural healing solutions.

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The Recovery Period

After the PRF procedure, mild swelling or discomfort at the injection site may occur. Nevertheless, most patients can promptly return to their usual activities after treatment. The full benefits of PRF typically become apparent over several weeks as the body's natural healing process unfolds.


Although both platelet-rich fibrin and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) utilize the body's platelets for healing, PRF offers several advantages. PRF contains a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors, leading to more effective tissue regeneration. Furthermore, PRF forms a natural fibrin matrix, providing a sustained release of growth factors over time, which can enhance the healing process.

Why Choose SVIA?

Simply put, our established network of Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery, Liu Plastic Surgery/SVIA Plastic Surgery Sacramento, and SVIA MedSpa in San Mateo and Los Gatos represent an institution of high-end luxury and quality service within one framework. We are passionate about providing a personalized experience that inspires our patients to feel confident about themselves and their lives. Our goal is to bring out the best in every patient who walks through our doors and entrusts us with their aesthetic journey. For us, there is no compromise. At SVIA, we provide the highest level of care and expertise for your health and wellness. With a focus on patient satisfaction and safety, SVIA offers a supportive and welcoming environment for your PRF treatment. So, if you're considering PRF as a treatment option, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. We look forward to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.

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Platelet-Rich Fibrin FAQ

How soon can I expect to see results from PRF?

Can PRF be used in combination with other treatments?

How soon can I expect to see results from PRF?

The full benefits of PRF treatment often become noticeable over several weeks as the body's natural healing process takes place, with continued improvement over time.

Can PRF be used in combination with other treatments?

PRF can be used with other medical or cosmetic treatments to enhance their effectiveness and promote faster healing.

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